Blog de Grafisme

Blog de Grafisme

GRAFISME 2016-03-03 12:39:00

Aprofitant que la Tate Modern acaba d'anunciar que al febrer del 2017 inaugura una gran retrospectiva de David Hockney, us ensenyo, avui, algunes de les seves impactants obres, que han servit, durant dècades, d'inspiració a dissenyadors d'arreu del món. La proposta coincidirà amb el 80è aniversari de Hockney!
"I am delighted to let you know that David Hockney, one of the most popular and influential British artists of the 20th century, will be returning to Tate Britain in February 2017 for his most comprehensive exhibition yet," said Alex Farquharson, director of Tate Britain. "David Hockney is without a doubt one of Britain's greatest living artists. His practice is both consistent, in its pursuit of core concerns, while also wonderfully diverse. Hockney's impact on post-war art, and culture more generally, is inestimable, and this is a fantastic opportunity to see the full trajectory of his career to date."
A la pàgina web de l'autor, podeu trobar les seves obre classificades per dècades. 




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